Address of the Registered Office of the Society:-
Nature of Association:-
To achieve these objects, the Association shall have the following power amongst others:
The General Body consists of all the members of the Association. The final authority of the Association shall vest in the General Body of the members. General Body shall be the supreme authority of the Association and shall have such powers as are not explicitly granted in the Executive Committee. The General Body can revise, alter, amend or in any other manner modify any of the decisions or actions taken by the Executive Committee by voting of members present in the General Body Meeting.
7.1.1. A person passing out from Colleges of CIMAT, Coimbatore, with a graduate and/ or postgraduate degree in any discipline shall be eligible to be a Registered Member of the Association by paying the required membership fees mentioned herein. Life membership is 1000/- for inland members and $20 (20 US Dollars) in case of overseas members.
7.1.2. Separate fees should be payable by Patrons as fixed by the General Body.
7.1.3. Any former or present faculty member of CIMAT, Coimbatore, who is not covered under Section 7.1.1 and has served the Institution for at least two years, can become a life member of the Association on payment of the prescribed membership fee.
7.1.4. Each Member shall furnish information details and pay the membership fee to the Association as decided in the meeting of the General Body.
Note: Any member whose present address is changed is required to furnish the same immediately to the Executive Committee of the Society; failing which the address earlier submitted by him to the Society shall be considered as his address for correspondence, and any notice or letter sent to the member in that address shall be regarded as sufficient for all purposes
7.2 Condition and Status of Membership
7.2.1. Chief Patron : The Principal of CIMAT, Coimbatore, will be the Chief Patron of the Association.
7.2.2. Patron : The Dean of the Institution will be the Patron of CIMAT, Coimbatore.
7.2.3. Life Members : Former students, present and former faculty members who have paid life membership fees, as described above in Section 7.
7.2.4. Student Members : Every current student of the CIMAT, Coimbatore, will be a member of the CIMAT Alumni Association as long as he/she pays the prescribed membership fee of Rs. 500/- at the time of his/her first registration in the Institution. He/she will automatically become a life member of the Association after passing out from the Institution and payment of the balance amount of Rs. 500/ only.
7.3. Duties and Obligations of Members
No Member shall do any work, thing, act or conduct himself/herself/themselves in such a way that may reasonably cause irritation, annoyance or disturbance to any other member and which may be detrimental to the interest of the Association or is in contravention to any laws of the land.
7.4.1 Constitution of Body : All members who have paid up-to-date prescribed membership fees shall constitute the General Body. The members shall have one non-transferable vote. The General Body shall be the Association's supreme Body and shall have absolute control over the Association's affairs, properties and assets. All members of the General Body shall carry one vote each. The General Body shall have powers to amend the Constitution, etc. The quorum of the General Body shall be 10% of the total membership. Where matters relating to the amendment of the form of the Association are to be decided, the quorum shall be 3/5 of the members present in the general meeting called for this purpose. A simple majority of the members current shall take all decisions. The President shall also have a casting vote in addition. The Secretary shall convene the General Body. A notice of at least ten days containing the Agenda to be discussed shall be given. The Executive Council constituted under Section
7.4.2 The powers of the General Body shall be : Approval of the programme of activities of the Society prepared by the Executive Council of the ensuing year. Election, if any, in the prescribed manner of the members of the Executive Council other than the nominated members. To amend the Constitution of the Association. To decide the amount of membership fee for the different types of memberships as mentioned in Section 7. To elect the Executive Council members and frame rules for such elections. To approve the code of conduct for the members. To attend to all matters not explicitly delegated to the Executive Council for furtherance of the objectives of the Association. Consideration of any other case which the approval of the General Body may bring in.
7.5.1. Annual General Body Meeting : Annual General Body meeting shall be held by 31st May of each year. In particular circumstances, it may be held later but not after 30th June or at an earlier date, not before 1st March of the same year. The Secretary shall issue 30 days' notice in writing to all members intimating the date, time and Agenda specifying the nature of business transacted at the meeting. A copy of the information shall be pasted on the notice board of the Association and uploaded to the website for perusal by the members. Notice sent through under certificate of posting / E-mail / Fax to the members at their present address, furnished to the Society, and shall be considered sufficient regarding service of the notice.
At the annual General Body meeting, usually, the following business shall be transacted amongst others: Confirmation of the minutes of the proceedings of the previous Annual General Body meeting and Special General Body or Extra Ordinary General Body meeting, if any. Consideration, adoption and approval of the Secretary's Annual Report with modification, if any. Review, adoption and support of the statement of Accounts (as passed by the Executive Committee) presented by the Treasurer with change, if any. Appointment of Auditors / Legal Retainer / Expert Advisors, if necessary, for the next year and fixation of their fees/service charges. Consideration of other business, including amendment of the Constitution, if any, as suggested by the Executive Committee. Review and approval of the annual budget / supplementary budget of the Association as passed by the Executive Committee for the following Financial Year presented by the Secretary with modifications, if any. Election / Selection / Nomination / Co-Option of members of the Executive Committees as suggested by the Executive Committee. To transact such other business as has been given notice by the members having rights and duly proposed and seconded. The information shall be provided to reach the office of the Association at least three days before the scheduled date of the meeting.
7.5.2. Special General Body Meeting : Either procedure may call an extraordinary General Body Meeting at any time.
By order of the Executive President or Ex-officio President. By a decision of the Executive Committee. Upon receipt by the Secretary of a requisition signed by at least 10% of members. (All resolutions intended to be moved at such requisitioned meeting shall be sent in writing to the Secretary)
7.5.3. Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting : Where the Executive Committee deems it necessary, the meeting of the General Body may be called at any time to transact any business. Such a meeting shall be known as Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting. No company other than that specified in the Agenda shall be considered in this meeting.
7.6. Notice for the General Body Meeting : At least 30 (Thirty) days' notice shall be given by the Secretary to all members for any meeting of the General Body, except the Extra Ordinary General Body meeting for which 7 (Seven) days clear notice is required. Such information shall specify the date, time and Agenda of the meeting. The notice of any General Body Meeting shall be pasted on the notice board of the Association. Notice to the members may be delivered personally through employees of the Association, and the members receiving it should sign in the register/book concerned. Notice to those who did not receive them personally may be sent to members through post, preferably by 'under certificate of posting' / e-mail / Fax. But accidental / non-receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceeding of any meeting.
7.7. Quorum for the General Body Meeting : The necessary quorum for any meeting of the General Body shall be one-third of the members of the Association. The quorum for any General Body Meeting of the CIMAT Alumni Association shall be 1/3rd of the influential members or a minimum of 20 members. There shall be no quorum for deferred meetings. If there is no quorum within 15 (Fifteen) minutes of the scheduled time of the meeting, then the meeting shall be postponed for half an hour (30 minutes) and in the event there is no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned, and the Secretary shall give fresh notice for the said meeting fixing some other date in consultation with the Executive President.
8.1. Constitution of Executive Council : The Executive Council shall consist of at least three elected members of the Association by resolution passed by a majority of persons present and entitled to vote at an annual general meeting of the Association. The term of the Executive Council or its elected members shall be at most two years. The members of the Association's Executive Council shall be eligible for re-election. But if there is a delay in forming the new Committee, the old council shall continue to hold office until the nearly elected/selected/ nominated or Co-opted Executive council takes over the charge.
8.2.1 Chief Patron : Wherever any deviation is required /observed and provision thereof is not specified in the Constitution, the decision of the Chief Patron shall be final.
8.2.2 Patron : Patron will assist the Chief Patron in the smooth functioning of the Executive Council.
8.2.3 president : The President shall preside over all the Meetings. He / She may allocate suitable responsibilities to other executive members. He / She may appoint working groups, sub-committees, officers, clerks and other subordinates in consultation with the General Secretary and nominate representatives of the Association on vacancies to the Government / Institute and other bodies when invited to do so. He / She shall act on behalf of the Association.
8.2.4 Vice-President : In addition to his / her duties as a Member of the Executive Committee, he/she shall preside over Committee Meetings in the absence of the President.
8.2.5. General Secretary :
8.2.6 Joint Secretary
8.2.7 Treasurer
8.3. Tenure of the Office Bearer The tenure of the office of the Executive Committee shall be for two years from the date of its formation. But in the event, there is a delay in the construction of the new Committee, the old Committee shall continue to hold office till the newly elected/selected/ nominated or co-opted Executive Committee takes over the charge.
8.4. Executive Committee Meetings
8.5.1 Seven days' notice shall ordinarily be given for all General Body/ Executive Committee meetings. The notice of the General Body meeting shall be published on the Institution Alumni website and approved by the Institution.
8.5.2 In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside over the meetings of the General Body / Executive Committee. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, a senior member of the Executive Committee shall preside over the meeting.
8.5.3 All decisions shall be based on majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the President of the meeting shall have to cast a ballot.
8.6. Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee
8.6.1 The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association.
8.6.2 The Executive Committee shall have the power to incur expenditure necessary to carry out the aims of the Association.
8.6.3 The Executive Committee shall have the power to frame By-laws consistent with the aims and objectives of the Association. The provisional By-laws shall be placed before the next General Body Meeting for ratification.
8.6.4 The Executive Committee shall have the power to consider all communications addressed to the Association.
8.6.5 The Executive Committee shall be in charge of and protect the properties of the Association.
8.6.6 The Executive Committee shall prepare and submit annual reports, including balance sheets and audited accounts/income and expenditure statements.
8.6.7 The Executive Committee shall collect dues/fees from members.
8.6.8 The Executive Committee shall undertake such tasks to protect the Association's objectives.
Funds of the Association required for day-to-day use shall be deposited in any Scheduled Bank, as may be approved by the Executive Committee, in the name of the Association. Such Bank account(s) shall be operated under the joint signature of any two of the office-bearers, namely the Secretary and Treasurer. Surplus funds not required for immediate use may be invested in such a manner that the Association shall derive the maximum possible interest out of it but subject to the condition that the amount invested can be withdrawn within a short period to meet the necessity of the Association. Investments made to create immovable property shall be made with the approval of the General Body.
Accounts of the Association shall be audited annually by a qualified Auditor or a Chartered Accountant appointed in the General Body Meeting. But, the Executive Committee may assign the Auditor for the beginning year.
At his discretion at any time, the Inspector General of Registration may get audited accounts of the Society by any recognized chartered accountant, and the Society will bear the fee for the same.
Every matter before any meeting of the Association shall be decided by the number of votes for or against any decision. Voice can be cast only by members with voting rights per the Association's Rules, and Regulations & By-Laws.
The Association may sue or be used in the name of the President or the Secretary. The Association's Executive Committee may appoint any member/office–bearer to represent the Association for any occasion. However, the jurisdiction shall be limited to the courts at Coimbatore only.
Any amendment felt necessary to any part/clause of the By-Laws of the Society requires ⅔rd majority of members present in the General Body Meeting. For this purpose, the Secretary should give the members 30 days' notice.
Every registered member (after paying membership fees only) has the right to vote, and such a member will be called a "Voting Member" hereafter. The election is to be held only in the General Body Meeting at the expiry of tenure. The Ex-Officio president will act as the Returning Officer. Election will be conducted by three nominated members as nominated by the Executive Body. The members will be notified and can file nominations for different positions of the Executive Body in the General Body Meeting of the Association. The returning officer shall scrutinize the nomination papers and prepare the ballot paper accordingly. Election will be conducted during the General Body Meeting. Counting and declaration of the results will be made on the day of the General Body Meeting. The expenses required for the election process will be met from the Association fund.