An Atmosphere that facilitates personal commitment to the educational success of students in an environment that values multiplicity and society. CIMAT is very keen on facilitating personal commitment to students' educational success. Thus, the Academic committee consisting of the Principal / Director, senior faculty members, and Examination Coordinator prepares the academic calendar well before the commencement of the session/semester. Before the semester's commencement, the faculty members prepare the lesson plan and make it available to the students. So many efforts have been made over the past few years to change the Teaching – Learning environment into activity-based learning. Following are the methods adopted to transform the academic environment: Changing the teaching methodology by encouraging the faculty to use PowerPoint presentations where ever required.
Extensive use of online – content and other Video lectures to support classroom teaching. Students are encouraged to present a poster and oral paper presentations. The wards are encouraged to participate both in curricular and extracurricular activities. Each department arranges guest lecturers periodically addressed by eminent persons from Industry, Academic, and Research Institutions. Eminent experts of nationally reputed people are invited from academics/organizations/industries for seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. In addition to the classroom interactions, the following are the other methods of learning experiences provided to the students: Project work, Short term Industrial visits Internships. Oral presentation Seminars/ Symposiums/ Workshops Paper presentations/ Group discussions Personality development programs and seminars are being conducted from the first year to· improve the student's communication skills & soft skills. Placement training programs are arranged Nil Arrear has been achieved.